Our Philosophy:

An appropriate solution to a problem must be “the least-cost alternative that is technically viable, financially sustainable and which produces acceptable levels of social and environmental impact”. Our clients deserve and receive”high quality service, value, understanding, innovation and teamwork”. Highly experienced multi-disciplinary teams of professionals are required and are assembled for each of our projects.

Areas of expertise:

  • water supply development.
  • solid, biomedical and hazardous waste management.
  • waste minimization and RRR programs.
  • environmental impact assessment and environmental management.
  • environmental business planning for industries.
  • environmental auditing.
  • financial analysis.
  • project design, supervision and quality control.
  • technical training and institutional strengthening.
  • corporate social responsibility policies, programs, and projects.
  • sustainability programs for the resource extraction sector

Important facts

We have over 30 years of experience building and managing teams of professionals

We work with a group of more than 50 senior associates. We have expertise in environmental sciences, waste management, water supply and contaminant hydrogeology, environmental engineering, financial analysis and economics, environment and human health, industrial health and safety, environmental technology and training.

We work in English, French, Spanish and Portuguese.